Low Quality vs High Quality Consciousness


Word count:7799

hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I'm going to be talking about low quality consciousness versus high quality consciousness see the problem is in general is that society that you grew up in your culture feeds you such little pictures of what you're doing here on earth what your life is here for that you don't even know what your prime directive is in life what your prime directive is people are so confused and so distracted and so busy chasing their tails around in circles that they don't even know the prime directive you want to know the prime directive and this applies to every single human being and not just to human beings but to basically all organisms this is what life is all about the prime directive is to increase the quality of your consciousness that's it that's it it's that simple to increase the quality of your consciousness all life and especially personal development if you're a personal development junkie boils down to this this is what growth entails is the development and increasing the quality of your consciousness and everything else is a distraction it's a distraction and everything that happens to you in life including the most mundane things when you wake up in the morning and you go make yourself some cereal for breakfast that right there is already a test of the quality of your consciousness every single action that you take in your life every single domain of life that you interact with people in family relationships business relationship friend relationships you know the larger relationships you have politically with people and so forth these are all in a sense tests and opportunities for you to either show up in low consciousness or in high consciousness and these can be used to either raise your consciousness or to keep yourself in lower consciousness and every human being starts out basically in low consciousness and if you want high consciousness you're gonna have to work really hard your entire life taking advantage of every single opportunity all your relationships all your career opportunities you're all the business you do all the money transactions you do every morning you wake up every decision you make about whether you're going to the gym and what you're putting into your body as far as food all of that is little instances and opportunities for raising your consciousness higher and higher and higher and higher to ultimately get to extremely crazy high degrees of consciousness and generally speaking those organisms or systems which are not able to raise their consciousness efficiently will ultimately die out uh by killing themselves that's what will happen so this is a the game of life it's to go from low to high consciousness now the word consciousness this is interesting what does this word mean well it's a pretty loaded idea and there's different ways that it can be defined but for the purposes of this episode the context that I'll be talking about this in I'm going to define it as follows it's the degree of accurate perception that you have or don't have so high consciousness means a degree of accurate perception and if you think about it perception is the only thing you have of reality there's nothing else you have of reality but perceptions of it and in fact and this is a deeper point that I won't really go into in this episode that's all you have all you really have is consciousness all you really have are perceptions so now can you start to get a sense of how important this is because if you don't have accurate perception of reality basically the only true thing that there is you got wrong can you see how that could create problems in your life can you start to see and appreciate that consciousness is not just a wishful hippy concept that it's actually the most tangible thing that we've got going which is why it's so powerful and so important because if you can't perceive reality accurately what do you got you've got nothing you've got nothing but your fantasies and delusions so what I'm going to claim is a pretty radical claim is that accurate perception is the key to living a good life and that in fact it will solve every single problem in your life if you get an accurate enough perception of reality and that every single problem you have in your life ultimately comes from inaccurate perceptions of reality and nothing else nothing else it all boils down to this so even stuff like relationship problems family problems health problems business problems money problems these all boil down to inaccurate perceptions of reality this is huge but I don't really have enough time to go into all that what I want to talk about is I want to talk about the difference between low consciousness high consciousness so you can see the quality differences between conscious and that are possible and there's a huge range here so let's start by defining the characteristics of low quality consciousness the characteristics are ego and self-centeredness first and foremost fear low-quality consciousness is permeated with fear dogma ideologies rigid belief systems clinging to ideas and pet theories this is all a key hallmark of low quality consciousness also a little picture of thinking seeing only little pieces of reality but not seeing the whole thing from a bird's eye view and of course people with little picture thinking also are focused on short-term gains so this is short-term gain thinking as well also a blindness to backfiring mechanisms so people with low quality consciousness do not see how they shoot themselves in the foot with their own attitudes and behaviors and in fact they behave very arrogantly thinking that their low quality consciousness is actually something for them to be proud of you see you can tell this you know like people who are very dogmatic for example say oh well I'm really you know stubborn about my faith and that's a good thing they actually turn all these negatives into positives also a key characteristics of a local low quality consciousness is mechanical behavior because the opposite of mechanical behavior is conscious behavior so basically you're behaving like a robot or a machine if you have low consciousness also the degree of love that you exhibit is highly selective and the way you treat people is highly unequal and non democratic so basically you select your little clan and you love and care for your little clan but then you basically are against the rest of the world which is why we see a lot of partisanship and a lot of clan rivalry and so forth in cultures that exhibit low consciousness characteristics right because this is one of the characteristics they will love their family a lot but they will hate the neighboring family if that neighboring family happens to be of a different skin color or of a different cultural background or of a different ethnicity or something like that also low quality consciousness is characterized by moralization having strict rules about what's right and what's wrong also characterized by projection onto others of all the limitations of the low quality consciousness to see the low quality consciousness will not admit that it's a low quality consciousness so the only option it really has is to either completely uh dilute itself and deny that there are these limitations but these limitations they crop up right because you can't hide them forever because the low quality conscious inevitably comes and clashes with reality and reality is stronger so when that clash happens and the [ __ ] hits the fan what the low-quality conscience will do is project all that onto everybody else onto government onto family members on to spouses on to friends on to other races on to other political parties and so forth and this is what creates that sort of anger and indignation indignation and self-righteousness and also scapegoating and blame also the low quality consciousness is highly materialistic it's after material goals it only understands and measures success and progress in life through material things generally speaking and it's also arrogant arrogant not in the way that most people think mostly it's arrogant in its beliefs and what it feels is right and it basically feels that it is correct while everything else out there is less than or wrong than it and this arrogance makes it very difficult to then correct this state of low quality consciousness because low quality consciousness won't admit any limitations and so therefore it thinks it's the best that there can be and that there's no better alternatives but actually there are much better alternatives speaking of which let's now talk about high quality consciousness what characterizes this well for it's basically the polar opposite of what I just said so firstly selfless and giving that's the hallmark characteristic of high quality consciousness it's fearless and courageous it's not worried about dangers and threats and all this sort of stuff because it's secure in itself it's focused on direct experience over belief which is if what frees it from dogma it's committed to truth and accuracy it values learning and growing very highly rather than tradition which is what the low quality consciousness mostly leans toward rather than being mechanical high quality consciousness you could think of it as an intelligent machine it's like a machine imbued with wisdom and foresight and intuition and vision it's a machine that is creative in the sense that it can come up with novel and creative solutions on the fly rather than just following mechanical procedures and in this respect it's also spontaneous and sort of organic because it doesn't predetermine all of its behaviors and actions it is robust enough and creative enough to find those solutions on the fly so think about some people you know some people are able to do that they're able to be highly creative and flexible in situations those are conscious people and some people are very rigid and they can't handle it when they're faced with a novel tough situation or challenge and they crumble and collapse underneath it or they become indignant about it like how dare reality serve me up this surprise that wasn't in my procedure rule set and see this sort of machine collapses and that's why ultimately it dies a high quality consciousness takes 100% responsibility for its actions behaviors results and how it feels its emotions especially the low quality consciousness will always blame others for the negative emotions that it creates in itself whereas the high quality consciousness will recognize that all the negative emotions are created by it and our limitations of consciousness and so therefore if it wants to correct these negative emotions it needs to raise its consciousness and of course a high quality consciousness acknowledges that it's not the highest quality consciousness and that there's a lot of room for growth even higher in this respect it's humble rather than arrogant it doesn't say that oh well I'm high quality consciousness and I'm the best that there is and there's no further to go no it says there's miles more to go high quality consciousness is big picture understanding and when you have big picture understanding rather than little picture you tend to think in terms of long term gains rather than short term gains and also you become hyper aware of backfiring that happens within complex systems you start to become aware that you are your own greatest enemy and that every action you take can be counterproductive it could be you shooting yourself in the foot and so you become hyper aware of these you start to really watch out for those and then when you see them you ask yourself questions like how can I prevent that in the future so that my actions don't backfire and come and bite me back in the ass and of course high quality consciousness is characterized by indiscriminate love not a clannish localized love but an indiscriminate love for everyone and everything regardless of whether they're your family or they're your local school or your local government or your nation or your race but everything no matter how different it looks from you and there's a larger caring and concern for entire ecosystems not just for your little corner of the world that applies only to your little ego into your little life I want to read you a powerful quote from Thomas Campbell which goes right to the heart of this issue of quality of consciousness he says that love and joy do not dominate our feelings most of the time is normal but not a good sign love joy peace compassion humility and balance are the dominant expressions and feelings of a high quality consciousness your feelings and I'm also going to adhere myself your motivations to always reflect the real you with perfect accuracy if you feel anger negativity inadequacy anxiety that is a reflection of how you are and what you are on the inside and not how other people make you feel and quote so the question is here how high are you and judging by the comments that people leave me on my psychedelic related videos not very high so there's two key factors I want to share with you that are very important for gauging where your consciousness level is I found that in my life is a huge revelation to know these because these can tell me where I'm at so that I'm not tricking myself and I can know like am i growing am I really growing or am I just bullshitting myself the two factors are the quality of your feelings and the quality of your motivations these things like Thomas Campbell said perfectly correlate and reflect what you really are on the inside how really developed you are so key insight number one from this episode is that emotions tell you exactly how you are so how you feel right now and five minutes from now and 60 minutes from now and then 120 minutes from now and every single hour those habitual feelings you have how do you feel do you usually feel happy or do you often feel depressed you often feel anxious you often feel a pissed off at the world or pissed off at your family are pissed off at your spouse for whatever reasons that generally tells you your level of consciousness and the more negative your emotions the lower your level of consciousness and the higher quality your emotions the higher quality your consciousness is very simple it's a very simple equation but also it can be very eye-opening when you actually see this at work don't just take us as a theory of mine I want you to actually find this occurring in your life like you stub your toe on the coffee table after you're done listening to me and then you get mad at the coffee Tim is goddamnit that stupid coffee table stub my toe on it again and then you feel bad well I want you to connect that to the fact that that tells you where your level of consciousness is at believe it or not it's not the case that everyone stubs their toe on a coffee table and that has the kind of negative reaction that you have see and that's just one example out of thousands that occur every single week in your life so your emotions are like a fuel gauge or a barometer that tell you what's going on every single minute of your life if they tell you what's happening the problem is that people don't really understand how to listen to their emotions and what's worse is that people who have low quality consciousness generally suppress their emotions and are not aware of their emotions so it's sort of like imagine that you're like Homer Simpson's come to mind from The Simpsons you know like he's sitting in the nuclear power plant and he's looking at all those gauges on his console and there's like the you know the core temperature of the of the nuclear reactor he has a little nothing little thermal gauge that tells him if it's if it's overheating or whatever and rather than sitting there and looking at the gauge and and doing his job and carefully monitoring that gauge as though it's going to go into some sort of meltdown mode you know what he does instead is he he sticks a sticker on it with a smiley face so that he never has to look at the gauge again so no matter what the gauge is showing he has a little fake smileyface sticker plastered on it so that's what a low quality consciousness person does is they do that to the point where they're they numb their emotions so much that they don't even have a connection to the signals that they need to be listening to to see how they need to be changing their life to follow the prime directive of living and then of course you can see how that leads to disaster in their lives and this is how most people [ __ ] up their lives is by a by doing exactly this Homer Simpson phenomena there's also the second key insight that I wanna hammer into you is which is uh that motivations your motivations tell you exactly how you are not even so much your actions but your motivations what are you pulled towards in life money sex greasy food TV easy entertainment or giving sharing connecting contributing loving expressing compassion and gratitude and generosity you know and these motivations also I want you to notice them on a very micro level in your life I don't just mean your very broad motivations like you want to have a nice cushy career yeah that tells you something about your level of consciousness of course but I mean more fine-grained I want you to go through your day and every single hour every single 15 minutes of your hour look at what are you being motivated towards right then and there like what are you motivated towards when lunch hour comes what are you motivated towards when you first get to work in the morning what are you motivated towards when you get off work and you come back home and you have some free time these choices you're making throughout your day these are what are defining your consciousness and they reflect your level of consciously you can't lie about these things and that's why I love this this concept that I'm sharing with you here because this allows you to very accurately gauge where a human being is at so not only can you apply these to yourself which I highly recommend that you do but you can also then once you apply it to yourself and you see how it works in you and maybe you're going to be shocked at how low your consciousness is compared to what you thought it was that might be a bit of a rude awakening uh but then you can apply this model to other people and you can very quickly sense you know this person going to do business with is he a low quality consciousness person or high quality conscious person very easy to tell based on how he feels about his life how he wears his emotions on his sleeves you can read all that very easily from people and also generally what his motivations are you can read that pretty easily too so here are some questions for how to measure consciousness in yourself and in others how do I feel on an hourly basis how loving am i how fearful am I how intellectually open am i how well do I govern myself am i able to so what that one means is am I actually able to govern myself successfully or do I fail can I get myself to successfully go to the gym or will I fail can I get myself to successfully eat the right food that I want to eat or will I fail can I get myself to work on that book project that I have or that music project or that film project and get it done without a lot of resistance and inner turmoil or will I fail that one's very instructive and also how noble are my motivations so when I'm going to work and I'm working on a project what's motivating me to work on that project is it because I feel like this project will actually make a difference to Humanity in the world is that my motivation or am i motivated because I don't want to get fired is that my motivation can you see the difference in quality there that's a huge difference or like if I'm in my relationship let's say I have a girlfriend or a boyfriend and I have maybe an opportunity to sleep with somebody else and I'm in this relationship to like a long-term relationship so uh if I am thinking about cheating on this person what are my motivations there even if I don't cheat was I motivated not to cheat because I was afraid that I would be caught and that I would lose this great person in my life and therefore then I would lose something that I value or was i motivated not to cheat because I thought it was the wrong thing to do and because I wasn't really even that interested in getting more sex I wasn't really craving sex so I didn't really need it so therefore I had no desire to cheat you see so even though your action in this case the action was I didn't cheat but the motivations were very different you see in the end you can't really suppress your true motivations and your true feelings for too long you can do it for short periods of time like if you hate your job you can still go to work and suppress that emotion of hatred for a while but not forever eventually it's going to bubble up to the surface in ways that you probably never anticipated and it's going to snowball and snowball and snowball and then it'll you know just slowly like creep in and corrode your entire career same thing with relationships you can't hide your true feelings and motivations in long-term relationships it'll eventually corrode that relationship so these are some questions by which to measure consciousness now I want to address some questions some kind of common questions that people have on this topic one question I commonly get is something like well Leah I just don't feel good in my life I don't like life in general what should I do well listen to what I'm telling you here when you tell me that you don't like your life or something about your life what that tells me is that you have low quality consciousness why because that's a feeling you have right it's a feeling of dislike a frustration of anxiety of hatred of fear of depression of sadness of apathy whatever that those are all emotions so I want you to get good at reading that gauge that tells you like oh if I'm experiencing depression that's telling me something about the quality of my consciousness and what's the solution to raise your consciousness now I realize that's a bit generic as a solution you're going to need to find a specific way to to handle that but at least I want you to see on a big picture level like oh that's what it means that means if I raise my consciousness the depression will go away see a lot of people get they get stuck in depression they think oh I'm going to be depressed for the rest of my life I don't know what to do about this maybe it's because my you know I'm off my genetics maybe it's because I did something bad at my job maybe it's because my boyfriend left me maybe it's because I don't look as handsome and as sexy as all my friends and therefore I should be depressed no it has absolutely nothing to do with any of that those are all illusions uh you just gotta really take it on faith I guess that this principle is true I mean I don't take it on faith I actually can see very clearly how these things that I'm talking about are reflected in everybody I interact with in my life and myself right so for me this is all like it's all highly empirical stuff but for you this is your first time coming into contact with these ideas it might seem like this is just like some wild far-fetched psycho theory some steel some psychobabble theory that you don't see any empirical connection with but if you just kind of go around you start to look you'll start to see that everything I'm talking about is reflected in real everyday life so that's that question answered another question is but you know but Leo what about success and what about pursuing sex and pursuing money what's wrong with that nothing wrong with it per se but it's the hallmarks of low quality consciousness that's what that is and you'll very soon learn if you just do a little bit of investigating that human beings with high quality consciousnesses are not motivated very much by success sex or money they just aren't they've transcended those things they've seen that these things are not inherently fulfilling and that actually all these mechanisms backfire very dramatically on you if you over indulge in them or if you make them the prime directive of your life if the prime directive of your life is success you're going to waste your life I guarantee it and if the prime director of your life is sex you're going to waste your life and that's going to lead to disaster in the end and if your prime directive is money that's going to be a wasted life you're going to get far less out of life than you could have otherwise gotten the problem is convincing a low consciousness person of this because they're so certain that these things will actually work for them so what do you do well you need to transcend these cravings for these low consciousness things not out of any kind of moral obligation not because these things are inherently evil or bad or wrong or that you shouldn't do them but simply because they're not nearly as fulfilling as what comes after them and you might say well what comes after them well there's a lot of stuff I mean you can be creative you can contribute to the world you can get involved with longer deeper relationships and building connections with people friendships life purpose you know having a career that's more than just about sex and money and so I mean not sex but success and money so you know those are higher consciousness things and that's just the tip of the iceberg of what higher consciousness looks like you can go much much higher than that another question people have is but Leo if I do what you're saying here won't people walk all over me because I will no longer be defending my selfish interests so much and so then I'll become a doormat and I'll be abused by all the selfish egotistical people out there so it sounds like the higher consciousness people will get abused by the lower conscious people this is a myth that's actually not how it works a high cautious person is aware they're not stupid they're aware people who are doormats and got walked all over these are not high consciousness people these are actually low consciousness people these are people who have wounded egos and so they have these neurotic patterns that allow them to be walked to be walked all over and they're not conscious enough to see that the way that they're living and behaving and acting in their life the way they're structuring their life will backfire on them in one way which is that people will walk all over them people who are high consciousness do not get walked over easily because they're fearless so they're not afraid of confrontation they're not afraid of enforcing boundaries they're not afraid of insisting on what they feel they deserve in life which is exactly what someone who's a doormat is afraid to do generally speaking so this problem just won't happen to you in fact if you are currently a doormat or a people pleaser and you get walked all over raise your consciousness and then see what happens that problem will resolve itself also you might be wondering but Leo what about your life purpose course how does this seems like here you're talking about some sort of higher purpose the prime directive so if my prime directive is to be raising my consciousness but then your life purpose course talks about like your career how to develop a life purpose around the career how do you reconcile that well the answer there is that the life purpose course is designed to be pragmatic I make a course it has to be pragmatic and it's focused on getting you some tangible results around your career what I'm talking about here is kind of like the prime directive of raising your consciousness as a human being you might think of it as a more general overarching life purpose just as an organism that you have which means that even if you don't have a career eat if you're a bum on the street or you decide to have no career at all your prime directive should still be to be raising your consciousness but you know uh in this day and age we need to feed ourselves and most of us actually like having careers not just because we need them to pay our bills which of course we do but uh more than that we want our careers to be an expression of our deepest values and we want to be creative we want to be creative in the ways that we like rather than the ways in which our boss likes and so in that sense uh that's what the courses is helping with us to figure that out and of course that should be a high consciousness thing too and that's what the course is helping you to do so really these things come together you're you might think about like your career life purpose is what the course helps you to figure out and then your personal purpose as a human being is generally to just raise your consciousness every single day you wake up and you just ask yourself okay how can I raise my consciousness today how can I improve its quality where is it low quality what would it mean to go from low quality to high quality how am i creating and sustaining low quality consciousness in my relationships in my business with my finances and all the other facets of my life so you might be wondering at this point so how do I increase consciousness Leo well I'm gonna give you the big picture I can't go into all the details because actually that's what I cover in all my other episodes so almost every single episode I release in some way or another helps you to see how you can increase your consciousness in some specific way in some specific area of your life but here I want to give you the big picture the big picture is important so that you have like a roadmap right because right now you've probably been living your entire life and nobody has given you a roadmap for where you're going what's your ultimate destination you don't know but now you do your ultimate destination is high quality consciousness it's a little bit of an abstract destination so you got to be smart enough to them drill that down to specifics and to really understand what that means but here are the broad strokes of how to increase your consciousness firstly increase the capacity that you have to love also secondly increase your capacity to feel happy independent of circumstances that means that if you're sitting on a bench waiting for somebody let's say and they are late and the bench doesn't feel very comfortable it's like a hard metal bench and you've been sitting there for a while and now you're feeling kind of antsy and your ass is hurting because you've been sitting for long on this bench ah you don't feel happy right generally that situation well that tells you what your level of consciousness is so then your job in that moment is to figure out a way to increase your capacity to be happy with that situation see that would be just one little example of how you could apply this thirdly to increase consciousness increase your capacity to be intellectually open which means that you're able to entertain ideas and opinions that are very different for ones that you hold or are familiar with and that you're not clinging to any one of those so I would call this open mindedness or even radical open mindedness increase your capacity for that so that if I come up here and tell you that I saw an A liyan or some paranormal activity has happened to me and you would say well leo that's [ __ ] we know that that's not real that can't happen right so that if I tell you that regardless of whether you think that that's possible or impossible it doesn't trigger you emotionally and that you're open to it you're actually open to entertaining that possibility without getting all up in arms and pulling out the pitchfork and then writing me little nasty comments in the comments section and so forth see that's a capacity equality of high-quality consciousness to be fully open no matter how ridiculous something might seem that someone has said and to be able to entertain it not necessarily to accept it on blind faith not even necessarily to believe it but just to entertain it and to not be emotionally triggered by it fourthly increase your capacity for self governance how effectively can you control your behaviors and actions when you decide to pull the trigger that's huge that's huge and you probably are wondering well Leo how do I increase my capacity for self governance that's a tall order to fill there's a lot to talk about there there's a lot of different techniques that could be used to do that I mean it's basically a life long process for doing that but I have many episodes that tell you different techniques and methods for how to stop procrastinating for example I have an episode called how to get [ __ ] done how to be a strategic thinker and so forth so you know I've got lots of content that help you to do that fifthly increase your capacity to face fear this is huge you probably are not aware of yet on a practical level how much fear runs you in your life fear can be very subtle fear is not just something like oh I'm afraid of death or I'm afraid of Donald Trump becoming president say it's not like that there's much much subtler fears that I'm talking about here right very little fear is very little fears you might just wake up in the morning and experience a fear that your spouse ate all the breakfast in the refrigerator and so now there's nothing for you to eat on your way to work and that might now motivate you to behave in a little selfish manner towards your spouse maybe you're going to be Lancie a little bit pissy I say some little insulting little thing or be a little sarcastic or passive-aggressive or something like a very subtle thing but where did that come from it was motivated by your fear because you're not facing the fear of the prospect that there's no breakfast in the refrigerator in the morning yeah so again that's just one little example out of millions that you should be looking into and sixthly the way to read to increase your consciousness is to transcend selfish and protective motives this is also a subtle one you have to look out for this really watch your motives like a hawk to see how every little thing you do throughout your date a little manipulations that you engage in how those are being done to to somehow boost up your ego and all the selfish little stuff that you have going on in your life all the personal stuff that you're worried about you know like maybe you wake up this morning and you want to rush to work why do you want to rush to work well because you want to get to work early so that you're the first person who gets to the computer and then gets to select your vacation days for the next month because maybe there's other people at work who are also vying for those same vacation days and you want to get a little bit earlier just ten minutes earlier so that you could put in your request so that you could get the vacation days that you want and beat out all your co-workers that would be an example of a very subtle selfish motive and something that you would want to transcend to get to higher quality consciousness yeah so I want you to notice the subtlety here and how these opportunities for self-actualization for raising your consciousness are arising almost every 5 or 10 minutes every single hour every single day of your life on the weekdays and on the weekends and during your work days and your vacation days right there's no time off if you really want to and if you want to self-actualize quickly then the biggest thing you can do is start to look for these micro opportunities don't be just focused on the big stuff it's easy to get seduced by the big stuff and think like well I'm just going to wait till I'm enlightened and then all my problems will be solved and until then I'm just going to be hey like a selfish jackass that's not going to fly and also like you might think well when I go to that retreat or that workshop or that seminar that I have scheduled three months from now that's when I'm really gonna do a lot of growing and until then I'm just going to be an unconscious mechanical robot doing all these selfish local consciousness things ah that's you're missing so much opportunity for growth there see when you actually tune your mental filter to start to see all these opportunities you're missing it'll be kind of shocking might feel kind of bad at first because you'll feel like man there's there's so much stuff I can't even I can't even understand how I'm going to take care of all this because it requires a lot of attention and energy for me to be monitoring all this stuff on a minute-by-minute basis in my life and then actually thinking of how I can turn it around from low consciousness into high cost you know that requires a lot of focus and mental energy that wears me out throughout the day living my life that way it's much easier to just kick back unwind and run mechanically through my day so at first it might seem overwhelming might seem kind of depressing um but don't worry I'm not saying that you have to be perfect here you don't need to catch every single opportunity there's going to be way more opportunities that you'll be then you'll be able to make use of but even just five 10% more of catching of these opportunities throughout your day is going to be very eye-opening for you and it's going to increase your level of development by two fold by three fold by five fold if you actually start to become mindful of these things so now you have the big picture this is the big picture of human life I've kind of just given it to you without explaining exactly why this is the prime directive of human life is to increase consciousness I'll tackle that issue more in depth in future episodes here I just want you to kind of sort of take it on faith and by that what I mean is take it on as a tentative hypothesis so you can still be skeptical basically I want you to kind of take this on and say well okay so Leo presented me with some model here now let me take this model let me not just not believe it blindly let me adopt it as a tentative hypothesis and let me walk around for a week in my life and just see if stuff fits this model also maybe let me think about back into my life into my dealings with my family and my boss and my co-workers and so forth and let me just put that through the filter of this model and see if stuff clicks and make sense what I'm claiming is that you'll have a lot of clicking in your mind and they'll be like oh of course that's what's going on that's why that person cheated on me or that's why that person screwed me over in business or that's why I wasn't have able to have a successful friendship with this person here it's because we were at different levels of consciousness so this should start to explain a lot and of course don't just apply to other people first and foremost apply to yourself this is the big picture now you have the roadmap for all of life I hope you can see the power of this this is the magic key to all of life you've been given it right here so don't don't forget it don't fall back asleep what I recommend is that you like write this on your bathroom mirror in big bold letters the prime directive of my life is to increase the quality of my consciousness and then to focus on that every single day and to work to embody that until your entire mode of living from morning to the time you go to bed at night is all about looking for opportunities to increase your consciousness rather than what most people do is what do they do they look for opportunities to get a little bit of pleasure or to avoid a little bit of pain or to maybe earn a little bit more money or to have a little bit more sex this sort of stuff that's mostly what you're focused on in your day isn't it or just like juggling balls a lot of people are just so busy it's just like juggling balls how do I take the kids to school how do I get to work on time how do I get back on time how do I have to nur with my wife and this and that so it's just like you're juggling balls all day but you're forgetting that your prime directive as increasing consciousness you can juggle balls for a decade and you're just going to waste a decade of your life not increasing consciousness and in fact your consciousness is going to get lower and lower and lower if you're not working on it on a habitual basis so now you know and you have no excuses alright that's it I'm signing off post your comments down below I'd love to read them click the like button for me right now share this episode with a friend and lastly come sign up to actualize that world right here this is my newsletter I'm releasing new in-depth content every single week for free about how to raise your consciousness in essence how to self actualize start taking action all the things that I talking about make sure that you're not just sitting around week by week only just listening tonight to video after video after video after video no you got start to take action if you think the videos are cool and interesting and fascinating just from watching them try implementing them and then come back and watch some more and then your mind will really be long at how deep and fascinating it is because there's a lot of layers of depth to all of these concepts that I talked about you could listen to this right now you can spend the next year implementing all this stuff I talked about just in this one episode come back watch this episode again next year and your mind will be blown by all the stuff you missed watching it just now and then you can do that for another year come back again two years later and your mind will still be blown at how much you missed because this stuff is so multi-layered and it's so powerful when you get deeper deeper deeper past the surface right to break past the surface you need to start taking action so stay with me take action continue watching and you will grow to extraordinary Heights and you will accomplish the prime directive which so few people do and then the quality of your life the emotions you feel will reflect that I guarantee it all right so stick around and I'll see you soon with more you